
you should know that we do welcome suggestions to improve our platform

As a side note, you should know that we do welcome suggestions to improve our platform. Joe is one of several to do so, and the suggestions are both taken seriously and much appreciated. Send your security related comments to security at gawker dot com.Thanks, Joe.”Battlefield: Bad Company 2 wanted to see a team spirit on its new replica Patek Philippe 4910/11R Ladie's watch Vietnam DLC package before unlocking a remastered Operation: Hastings map. PC players have answered the call first, passing the 69 million “team action” threshold required earlier today.By comparison, the Xbox 360 community is about halfway there (37 million team actions), and the PS3 community trails that total by 10 million.

What's a team action? It's the three Rs and an H. And an S. Resupply, revive, repair, heal and spot. Any of those carried out in BFBC2 Vietnam, retroactive to its release date, counts toward the unlock total.The glorious PC community's triumph could be attributed to any number of factors. Maybe it has more players, or more players putting in replica Patek Philippe 4908/11R Watch more time. Or maybe they are more selfless and public-spirited.Naaaaah.Battle for Hastings [Battlefield: Bad Company 2 official site, via The Escapist]”One of your resolutions for 2011 should probably be “play more Rock Band 3.” Harmonix is encouraging that kind of behavior with a long list of new additions to its full band music game, including an injection of Johnny Cash.

The Man In Black will lead off Rock Band 3's list of downloadable songs with an eight pack of Cash classics charted for the full band. Looks like two of the eight can be upgraded to Pro Bass and Pro Guitar difficulty for a buck.On top of that, Harmonix replica Patek Philippe 4910-10A-10 Ladie's watch will throw in a nonet of freebies for Rock Band 3 owners comprised of previously released tracks. The full list of songs coming to your console of choice on January 4 are as follows.

