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The most plausible explanation I can come up with is that your code is mapping all non-ASCII characters onto some canonical character (maybe ?), and thus ignoring the actual character value in the hash. I'd becurious to see exactly how/where in your stack this occurs.The issue was in jBCrypt, a library we use for password hashing, replica Patek Philippe 4909 Ladie's watch and is outlined here. The non-technical explanation is that this issue (outlined by Joe above) affects non-Latin characters (e.g Korean word for 'password': ?? ??), Latin characters with accent marks, and other characters that are not in standard English usage (e.g German: Fü?e).

How does this affect you? It does not affect most of our users — If you are not using non-Latin characters for your password, there is nothing to do (see wikipedia for more information on the characters that are not affected — US-ASCII). If you do use characters that are non-Latin, you should reset your password to replica Patek Philippe 4910 Ladie's watch ensure it is updated to fully support these special characters.Joe did add one more comment: “I do think users are best to avoid non-ASCII though, since it's less portable.” While is it not required, I do agree with him on this point. You can still create a very secure password using the US-ASCII character set.

